The other day as we were eating cereal with milk on it, I looked at the box of milk, and thought how different it is from what we get in the United States, and yet the same…
In Tahiti, and in France, milk goes through a higher heat process than in the US, and is sold in boxes that have a shelf life of 9 months, compared to 2 weeks. There is a slight taste difference, depending on brand, but none to the extent of canned milk. Milk tastes good, and is good for us.
In some ways, the scriptures are similar. They taste good – are enjoyable to read. They are good for us – provide us with doctrines and teachings that can help us in our lives. But if we can apply a little heat, in the form of pondering or meditating, the benefits of the scriptures are more long lasting. I as we go through the trials and challenges of life, if we go to the scriptures to find help and solutions, then they be come even more valuable to us, having a longer and stronger benefit in our lives.