My girls camp has come and gone and it was really exciting. My favorite part was the slip n' slide, for sure. We got to melt crayons onto a canvas, do an early morning polar dip in the morning, and many other cool things. We got to make flags for our cabins. (The cabins were not sorted in any way, at all!) My cabin's name was The Otter Pops. Our flag had the word The Otter Pops in colored letters with a cute otter painted below them. We named the otter on our flag Pop. We also had otter pops with everyone's name on them scattered throughout the flag. It was pretty cool. They had an awesome range where we got to shoot beebee guns and arrows during free time. I was pretty good at the Beebee guns but epically failed at the bows. As far as the spiritual stuff goes, we had a lot of cool devotionals. Overall, my first camp experience was pretty cool.
I was pretty good at shooting the slingshots. |
Like I said, the slip n' slide was awesome!😄 |
Whole camp pic, sorry, kind of blurry |
Me and my Beebee gun target. |
Doing trust falls was pretty freaky 😬 |